Thursday 19 June 2008

What is it like?

The most common question I get is: what's it like being hypnotised? It's usually from people whose only experience of hypnotism is watching somebody on stage or TV being told they're a naked alien. Well, you'll be relieved to hear that hypnotherapy is nothing like that. You usually stay fully awake the whole time, though some people do fall asleep too. It's a very relaxing experience. Gentle music plays while I make suggestions to your subconscious that help you feel better. After listening to a 30-minute session, one of my clients described it as being more relaxing than a 12-hour sleep!

How I Started

Years ago I suffered from both claustrophobia and vertigo. It got to be a real problem on a vacation I took to Greece with my boyfriend. On the way over I was ill on the plane. I wasn't scared of flying, it was being stuck inside the aircraft, unable to get out. I spent the journey with my head between my hands. And when I got to Greece it didn't get any better. My boyfriend wanted to climb a hill up to an ancient monument. I got barely six feet up when I told him I had to go down. It was then that I decided I had to do something about it. I went to see a hypnotherapist. I was so amazed by the results that I trained to become a hypnotherapist myself.